The highest value-add to Founders
per dollar invested
We Invest. Fast.
We do 2 zoom meetings. You get our decision the day after the second zoom. At 12:00 pm.
We are called 2 | Twelve for that reason.
We cut $100,000 checks in pre-seed / seed companies, Enterprise / Cloud only.
We don't lead rounds. We are focused on North America.
We Help. For real.
We help you build your company. After we invest, we have an onboarding session with Founders to present our support team and partners (see below).
Our mission is to make sure you will raise a series A. And a B. We have direct Partner access to 2/3 of the top US VC firms.
We do quarterly meetings with Founders to prepare their next fundraising.
How do we help?
We provide the following services
We pay for everything!
Culture & Values
Anne and Steph of At Your Core will help you to cultivate culture with intention. You’ll identify values and behaviors that will be imperative to your early growth and you'll discuss topics ranging from how to make key first hires to how to maintain connection and engagement as you move to Series A and beyond.
Anne Foreman
Steph Mann

Mentor: Dave Yarnold
Dave served as CEO of ServiceMax, a provider of cloud-based field service management solutions, for 9 years. Prior to ServiceMax, he held several executive positions at Successfactors, Extensity, Clarify, Platinum Software Corporation, and Oracle. Dave will help you release your full potential as a leader.
Dave Yarnold

Our 60+ LPs are founders & operators. You can ask them any questions via an in-house email system.
We have co-invested with